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Friday, March 26, 2010

SLC Aquarium

Bryce and I went to the aquarium a couple months ago. SO fun and SO cool!
These were SO tiny! I wish you could tell.
This thing was HUGE. Look at it compared to Bryce! It's an octopus, by the way. It had it's tentacles sucked onto the glass. We couldn't get a better picture because they have to keep that area dark for it!
I had never seen these in real life! SOO pretty!

THey had the coolest aquariums set up!

and the strangest creatures!
and Dori.

Pretty huh? We want to go back and spend more time there!


Jana said...

Fun! Good job using your together time to get out and do some fun things!

Christine said...

Good job with all the posting Reesie! I need to bring my kids to this aquarium next time we're up there!

Bethi said...

How fun! I am glad that you posted so many things!!! I love EVERYTHING! Your house looks great! And the blankets are awesome! My mom made Luke one and he loves it! He loves to play peek-a-boo through it! Looks like you guys are having a ton a fun! And then I guess you're going to Hawaii next...?! LUCKY!!! Love you!

C'est La Vie said...

k my computer is being a dumb face because it wont load all these pics, but the ones it did load i LOVE :)

C'est La Vie said...

oh this is the one i missed huh?

MoM K said...

I LOVE AQUARIUMS!! There are just such awesome creatures in the sea!!!!!!!!!11