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Friday, March 26, 2010


We LOVE doing dinner and dessert with Darcy and Justin! Here are some pictures from one of our dessert-attempt-makings. :)
Darcy told me about this recipe she wanted to make-Cake Balls. :) So we did it that night.

You just make a cake (whatever kind you want. Bake it, let it cool, THEN comes our favorite part-- crumble it all up with your hands or whatever. and then dump a thing of frosting in and mix it all up. then you pack them into small balls and dip them in melted chocolate. :) yummy!

So here are some pictures that me Made Bryce take for us. ha!

And obviously we were very proud of our creations...we took about 10 pics of the milk and cake balls...hahaha. Here's one of them. (oh Plus one of the roses Bryce gave me for Valentine's day!)
oh and us! :)
BEAUTiful Darcy, modeling our BEAUTiful cake balls. :)
Another one of us! We're so cute. I know you know it.
I bet you Really think we're Beautiful now! hotties!
See those flowers in the background? AAAALLLLL Bryce. Good Job Babe!
Wow, we made him take A LOT of pictures of us!
And this little GEM I made in one of our RS Activities. Sis. Cook, our Bishop's wonderful wonderful wife did a class on making home made fruit pies! She did the activity like a cooking show and we all had our ingredients and everything to make one ourselves during the class and then we got to bake it at home! Yay!
And if you look in the back of this pic you can see home made bread .... ALLL Bryce too! Surprised me with it when I got home from the Pie activity! LOVE him!


Annette Larsen said...

OOh, I'll have to keep that cake ball idea in mind. Mm mm mm.

Jana said...

Cherise, you look CUTER than I've ever seen in your whole LIFE in these pictures! Your bangs are beyond cute, and I love those glasses...I don't think I've seen them on you before! And pretty much you just look so cute!

Fauset Photography said...

look at you, baking, crocheting,'re so DOMESTIC!! You go girl!!

Darcy said...

Oh goodness. We were so proud of that milk w/rose and cake ball shot! By the way...I know you posted this back in March. Sorry I am so late in commenting! I guess I forget that other people actually update their blogs since I never do!!