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Friday, March 26, 2010

Everything's BIGGER in TEXAS!

This is just a conglomeration of the pics we took while in TX visiting Bryce's family last week for Brock's homecoming from his mission in SLC South.

Briley sportin' her awesome St. Patrick's Day outfit in the Wal-Mart parking lot...

Brock, the returned Missionary with Briley at the stockyards.
Only SHE can find a horse in the shopping area.

Bryce's classic Thumbs up. Very Important.

Need I say more?

He was really taking the picture seriously.

Only BRYCE would find a *special* car at the stockyards...

See the whipped topping sprayed on his shirt? That was just the start of it. :)

Us girls waiting in the car...

Briley again. :)

After shopping all day. Grammy, Briley, and Kabria

Brock with Brett behind at the Stockyards

My new Purse!

Briley, Bryce, Bria, and Brett

Bob. My FAVORITE father in law! :)

Brett realizing that he will have to eat all the whipped topping he put on his Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake.

The Davies Ladies!
Bria, Grammy, and Lori (my Favorite Mother in Law!!!), & Briley

Briley and Bob, showing "The Golden hand of sprachery" (scratchery). It's just a back scratcher but they renamed it. :)

Bob helping Briley demonstrate her pose. Oh I love this family!


Annette Larsen said...

Love that last picture. Su-weet! Looks like a fun week!

Jana said...

Yee-haw! Way to Texas it up.

Ruth said...

They all look so great! Texas Longhorns! Stockyards! Great fun!

MoM K said...

What a great fun time you had! The family looks superb. You married well. I'm glad they take good care of you.

MoM K said...

My FAVORITE has gotta be Briley in her St. Patrick's day outfit!!! she looks fabulous!