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Friday, March 26, 2010


I didn't actually REdecorate. I just redecorated. lol I incorporated Purple into the front room and redid the wall hangings and stuff....
I put this together. It has a couple pics of each of us before and during Bryce's mission and then a couple of us after and then one wedding pic! :)
We redid the bookshelf. Bryce's idea. He made me take down all my books. lol oh well.
This is the Madagascar shelf.
Here's the spiritual shelf...or something. :)
Here's the top shelf-our special stuff: wedding pic, engagement pic, "bryce + cherise" written in the sand by me in Mexico before Bryce's mission, a present Bryce gave me in 2005, and the box that my Wedding ring came in with all the other rings he's given me inside. :) oh! and a bracelet made in Mada with Davies stitched into it.
The beautiful clock that Lori got me for Christmas (she is SOOo good at giving gifts! She always knows what to get!) and the purple candles I got at the Dollar Store!
My new purple blanket from TJ Max on the couch, the awesome magnet board that Kabria decorated for me and gave to me for Christmas, a wooden letter D from Hobby Lobby-painted Purple with a green ribbon down the side and VELCROed to the wall. haha. and an adorable heart wall hanging that says "you hold the key to my heart"....along with some other things I already had.

The lamp Jen gave me. Yay! and the Vase(s) I got at TJ Max ($6 each!!) with the dollar store greenery. :)
A better look...
The bookshelf all together.
I didn't get a pic of the mirror Lori gave me for Christmas that has hooks on it for jackets etc. That's awesome too! :)
Anyway, I'm loving my house even more now and I didn't spend very much money! (I love the dollar store! :)


Annette Larsen said...

Waaaa! Why is everyone better at decorating than meeee???? Love it all.

Jana said...

I LOVE it! It all looks SooooOOOoo good! I really really love the collage look you have above your couch, it's so perfectly balanced and bunched and all cute stuff together. I'm so impressed with it! I want to come hang out at your house now!!!

Christine said...

Wow, it all looks so awesome! Way fun ideas for your bookshelf, and i love love love the green vase with the purple in it, SO cute!

C'est La Vie said...

oh it looks great!

Fauset Photography said...

OK, above your couch is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!