
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New with us...

*Bryce is coming up with new business ideas every week but has come up with one that he's pretty sure will work amazingly well and give him way more time to to go school. So we're hoping with that he'll be able to quit his towing least the day time part of his job to do his business idea! Yay!
*Bryce had is first Solo Flight last week!!! It was a total surprise. We weren't expecting it but during one school session his instructor got out and let him go. He had an amazing time and is so excited about progressing and being able to fly a HELICOPTER all by himself ;) He's amazing.

*I'm loving Visiting Teaching and I'm getting so excited about getting to know each of them better! And I love my visiting teachers who are so dedicated and amazing! 
*We bought a 65 lb pumpkin from the Farmer's Market (after Mom bought a 76 lb one when she was here last week! :) but I have No idea where to put it. It's now just sitting on our little coffee table....I'm a little worried it's gonna break it! haha
*I keep having Really weird dreams. Like last night for example: ... dreamt I was pregnant but I got to see like...a video of the egg and the sperm.... awkward. hahaha!! and then I had to reach into my throat and move my tonsils so they wouldn't hurt the baby.... weird. hahah!
*We're FINALLY figuring out what we have to do to be able to say prayers morning, night and be able to read scriptures every morning. We've been struggling with it all since we got married and have Finally come up with a way that is sticking! I'm so so very grateful. It's making a world of a difference in our relationship. man...the gospel is true!!! :)
*ALSO!!!! I've realized that None of Bryce's family history has been done yet for his dad's side! You have no idea how excited I am! There's so much to do! I talked to Bryce's mom, Lori and she said I could get started whenever and do whatever. So I'm just gonna be talking to her about what I'm doing and it's going to be awesome! I hopped on to Family Search today and tried to figure things out...let's just say I'll be paying several visits to the family history couple in our ward to help me out!
*Along with Bryce's awesome business ideas, he's been buying cheap cars, fixing them and selling them for pretty good profits...for example: he bought a 2002 Ford Taurus that was wrecked in the front for $80!!!! He sold it for... DRUM ROLLLLLLLLLLLLL....... $2,000! Talk about paying off debts! Yay!
*We now have health Insurance so we're back to trying for a baby. :) In case I haven't mentioned it, we tried for a baby from Nov. to Aug. and took a break while we figured out Insurance and so now we're just hoping it'll happen soon. 
But in the mean time I'm loving work and Bryce is loving school and making alot of progress and we're learning more and more about how to communicate better and love each other more. Can't go wrong with that right?

So that's what is new with us! Just lots of randomness. :) I need to take more pictures so I have more that are relevant to what I write about! :)


  1. love it! You didn't mention that you love hanging out with me too!! boo hoo!! just kidding!

    Bryce and Ashton should come up with a business together so they don't have to work for other people. I hope it works out for Bryce.

    Sorry I was so sleepy on your birthday. It's been crazy here, and I am so exhausted.

  2. Yay Chabeast! I have been waiting for you to update, even though I just recently talked to you on the phone! :) I love the pictures and it looks like you guys are doing great! The whole scripture and prayer thing it hard for us too. We do it, but I wish it were more consistent! I wish we lived closer so that we could see you guys more often (or at all!) I want to see your pumpkin too! Geez! Anywho... you're in our prayers! Love you guys! :)

  3. LOVED reading your post! Good luck with everything!

  4. Thanks for the update! It sounds like life is going well for you guys!

  5. Loved your updates! Wahoo for the 65 lb pumpkin! The kids at the preschool love the one I brought. Good luck with everything. It was great to be there conf. weekend!
    Love ya, mommy.
