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Monday, September 7, 2009

Mountains Movies and Paint

Here's my current project. It's pretty much done. I just have a few minor things to do still
Here's my FABulous aMAZIng bESt Friend Darcy, who paints with me! I love her to death and I have so much fun when she's around!
I need to get a picture of her with her painting as soon as she'll let me. :)

As usual I've watched Several movies while painting. Luckily Darcy brought over King of Queens one night and we watched probably half a season in one sitting. yikes :) 


Ashton and Shanda Call Family said...

Your picture looks great! You are an amazing artist. I'm glad you have a good friend like Darcy to do things you enjoy with! Friends make a big difference in life.

Jana said...

Super cool!! You guys are brill. I wish I could paint.

Annette Larsen said...

Beautilicious painting, as always.

Darcy said...

Aw, you're too cute! Thanks for paiting with ME and giving me all of your expert advice!

Jen-ben said...


MoM K said...

WOW! Cherise! That is truly beautiful! I enlarged it and it is even better! I look forward to seeing it in person!! You are a wonderful painter!

Ruth said...

Cherise, that painting is So beautiful! I've seen that Wasatch Front!
ummmmm... there's a beautiful blue sky in the forefront/water part of the painting....but only clouds above the mountains...small discrepancy there.
Aunt Ruth Ann

Barbara said...

You are incredibly talented! I LOVE the mountain painting! So beautiful!

Robyn said...

Super amazing. You are so talented!!

Jana said...

The pic on the top of this post cracks me up!

Jana said...

guh, i meant the other post, above this one. you and bree-oss lookin funny.