
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Logan Landslide/flood/mudslide..they're calling it a lot of things...

So Saturday, Bryce and I were at the Bountiful Temple at a friend's endowment. Little did we know, back home our neighborhood was turning into a swamp of both muddy water and people. 

See, we live on what is called "The Island". It's really just a neighborhood in Logan where the land is lower than surrounding areas. Particularly just North of us....That's campus. The USU Campus is up on the hill. Well, that "hill" (much more than just a hill) cuts down very steeply into the island. On that ridge is...WAS  a canal of running water that has been there for decades. And right below it, at the bottom are tons of houses. Our house is located 3 blocks south of that ridge. 
SO, that canal, around noon on Saturday, burst ... after the water had started to leak out, causing weakness to the land on the ridge. So when it burst, all the water and all that land came crashing down -- right on top of a house directly below. 
From what we understand, the house completely sunk into the ground and then collapsed in on itself. Unfortunately, they've come to find out that there was a 39 year old woman and her two kids, 12 & 13 inside when it happened. :( So they've been looking for their bodies for the last 3 days. There's a lot of speculation as to whether they found them already or not. But everything in the news says that they are still looking. 
Also, many of the houses on that street have been condemned because they were filled with mud and water. And farther from there(closer to us), many houses have flood damage etc. The roads are all blocked off and there are dozens and dozens of City trucks, police cars, fire trucks, flood clean up trucks, and just....a ton of emergency and city vehicles. It's craziness. 
If you can believe it, This pic is from TODAY 
(no I did Not take it)
After 3 days, it still looks this bad.
That used to be the house....

We were extremely lucky ... there's a river directly behind our house-North of our house. So the neighbors on the other side of the river channeled the water thru their yard into the river! Thank goodness for that! 

"This is no longer a house with some dirt in it. This is a mountain of dirt with pieces of house in it," said Logan Fire Chief Mark Meaker.


  1. Those poor people. It just makes me sad. I'm so happy you and your house is ok though!

  2. That's crazy. I don't like watching the news, so I hadn't even heard about it. I'm glad you guys are ok.

  3. SAD!!! Glad your house is okay though...

  4. Wow! I was watching this on the news and found it so, so sad. I can't believe this is your neighborhood. Thank goodness that you guys (and your house) is okay.
