
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Job Hunt/1st Anniversary Trip

So I've been looking for a job since the first of the about 4 weeks? I've been applying to at least 2 jobs per day (M-F)...I'm lazy on the weekends :I I got one interview the first week thanks to Jennifer! After that I didn't get anything until last week. Khol's called me for a group interview and it went really well. So well in fact, that they called yesterday to offer me a job! Unfortunately, It's only a Part-Time job...only 10-15 hours per week and I'd be working afternoons and evenings...that's exactly what I Didn't want. Not that I want to be picky. But I'd really like to see the Hubs sometimes, you know?
Also, yesterday morning, I talked to a woman at a place called Majestic Mountain Sage, an {ingredients} supply warehouse for the cosmetics industry. I had applied there the week before so I went in to see if they had had a chance to look at my resume. They Had AND they had looked at my website too. :) happy day! So I let her know I was still really interested but that I'd be out of town this weekend. So she called me a few hours later (still before Khol's called) to say they'd like to interview me tomorrow at 11.
So when Khol's called, I told her that I had an interview scheduled with a company that could give me the hours I Needed. (M-F: 8:30-4:30 sweet hours, huh?) so she put me on the "no" list but that if anything changed to give her a call.


I had the interview with MMS today! It went super well! I have all the skills to work there and there weren't Any conficts....with anything! The two ladies that interviewed me were so so nice and I'd really like working there!! So I'm hoping and praying that I'll get it.
They said they'll let me know next Tuesday or Wednesday if I got the job and if I do get it, I'd start on Wed. or Thurs.!

Seriously though, the hours would be amazing. M-F: 8:30-4:30. That's exactly when Bryce is working/at school. And I'd be home in time to make dinner! But I'd still be working 8 hours per day, 5 days a week at about $9 per hour.


(she asked what pay I was looking for and I told her $9 because at my last job they were paying me $8.84....she said that $9 is right in the range they'd be paying so let's hope! )
THEN, to make it even BETTER, I get 5 holidays off per year. 4th of july, new years, christmas (starting on the 18th!!), thanksgiving, and I can't remember the other one. haha. Talk about AWESOME! The Khol's job said I'd have to be available to work EVERY HOLIDAY including BLACK FRIDAY.
yuck yuck YUCK!

In conclusion,
for the next week, please please PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!
I would really appreciate it! :)
So for our anniversary, Bryce planned a weekend for us! 
We drove down to Park City (where we spent some of our Honeymoon) and stayed in an awesome hotel for super cheap (Love, you're the BEST for helping us with that!). 

See...Here's our hotel! :) 

Our Room...and me playing with my camera while Bryce reads some magazine... :)

The second day, Darcy and Justin drove down to go to Heber with us to ride the Heber Creeper for their Special BBQ Sunset Buffet Trip. You ride the old fashioned train up Heber canyon and around a lake, where they stop and do a big BBQ buffet dinner (that was completely AWESOME food!!!) and they have a three man band playing while you eat! So much fun!
So here's Darcy and Justin being little kids at the train station gift shop

and of course, we had to get in on that action! Course we aren't as cool cuz we didn't get the hats!

Awe...tender! :)

Don't worry, I KNOW you're jealous right now. Beautiful, huh?

Isn't that a SWEET picture!? Bryce took it!

I included this right here because the next couple of pictures may be

Yes, there was a Proposal....

Some VERY scandalous make out sessions....

some awkward moments...
and a LOT of tenderness. :)

Then we got to the BBQ!!! We were the FIRST in line! ha! Sorry, we just REALLY like food...
While we ate a 3 man band sang and played! They had a guitar, a fiddle, a banjo...and something else but I can't remember. :) They were Very entertaining and we had a lot of FUN!
The FOOD was Amazing!
See those smiles? It's just cuz of the food. ha! :) jk. it was awesome but we really did have so much fun! We were so glad that Darcy and Justin came down for it!

My man...he's such a cutie! I love it when he smiles.

Here's the barn we passed on the Train that made us decide that we'll have one Just like it one day... 


Darcy, I wish I had gotten one with your WHOLE face! LOL the other one I have, you can't see the train behind you but you Can see your face better.
Isn't it an awesome looking train? Mom, you would love it! It's very Old-Time-ish
We met two super nice couples on one of the cars on the way home. They were older and got a kick out of how lovey we were. hahaha! :) Love it. They were awesome people and they were nice enough to try to figure out my camera enough to take a couple pictures of all four of us! YAY!

So, I look bad in the first one and Darcy, you look ... surprised or something in this one. hehehe. 
The CONDUCTOR! He was so cute! He was very Conductor-ish. He would walk back and forth thru the cars on the trip.

Happy Anniversary!

I'm so lucky to have a husband to plan such a fun and Beautiful trip for us! :)

This picture is actually from the drive home on Sunday-in Morgan. I LOVE Morgan!!! Jana, Jeff was so lucky to live here!
We stopped for a few to take some pictures of the lake on the drive home!
I know, I'm hot huh?

I know, THAT's hot huh?

More fun on the drive. :)
This was BEFORE the Heber trip. We went into downtown Park City and walked up the Main street where all the little shops are.
We found this bear. We became friends.

I don't know how Bryce makes friends so easily. Geeze, they're like Best Friends already...

Isn't it so cute?


I think I'll just end (finally) with that picture of Bryce. :) He'll appreciate it.


  1. Awwww! What a super fun trip!! That looks like it was a rockin good time and that hotel is so dang pretty! Nice pictures, lots of quirkiness.

  2. Study your resume carefully so that you'll be able to backup your claims to your various skills and abilities. Be logical in answering questions and apply common sense.

  3. For FUN! Your trip looks awesome, and I love all the pictures so much! GOOD LUCK getting that job!
    Oh hey sorry I missed your call today! Call me tomorrow! Or maybe I'll call you.

  4. Those landscapes are SO beautiful! You all look so happy! Good Luck!

  5. OH my gosh Cherise! I can't get over how beautiful these pictures are! You have a gift...that barn pic...WOW!

  6. Wow, some of those pictures are...yikes. Seriously though, we had such a fun time! Glad we could crash your first anniversary. :-)

  7. It looks like you had a good time! How fun!

  8. I love the picture of the conductor! Those are some way cool pictures, and what a fun trip! I'm so lame that I didn't read this post until today....
    So what happened with Misty Mountains? Have you still not heard back from them? Did I miss something important you said about it last week?
    And also I love your blog background.

  9. I love, love, love your pictures. That lake looks incredible, and I'd like a barn like that too. I also love your lovey-doveyness. Every anniversary post should include some racey make-out pics!

  10. Awesome awesome landscapes and pics. I can't remember if it was in this post, but I love the panoramic one you have of the mnts and lake, and that reminded me that I think my camera has that feature. I should use it! Awesome news on the job front. Don't you love M-F jobs, 8-4ish?? The best! Not working on Sun or evenings you want to spend with your husband? Priceless! However, I need to learn from you, I am NEVER good at negotiating starting salary. I'm usually just so grateful to have the job, but I'm always making $10 an hour!? Hello?? I'm 29! And I've worked at jobs where I've gotten up to $12.50 and become office manager so my work should be worth at least $13 an hour? But then again, it goes back to the I-really-want-this-job factor. And I-don't-want-to-blow-it factor. (Hey, I got paid REALLY well to do planetarium shows, seriously, $100 an hour for groups 80 or larger. So technically I guess I could ask for even more. Ho hum, that was my dream job, and it was near Anaheim. Why did we move again???

    Oh yeah, the whole reason I posted. I LOVE the Heber Creeper Train! I went to one of the BYU preferences on that train with a really fun group and we had such a ball, even though we were dancing in the open car and it was raining and it was really cold! But then we took over the caboose and man, just a lot of happy memories from the pics you have of the train. Fun fun!
