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Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So this Father's Day, I'd LOVE to do a drawing for 
your Dad, 
your Husband,
your Grandpa, 
your Father-in-Law!!! 
it is that you need a present for, I'd love to do a DRAWING just for them! 

This is an example of one I did THIS YEAR for a Client for FATHER'S DAY! 
It's from a photo of my Client's Grandfather and they are giving it to their Father...
Talk about an awesome present! :) 

If you're interested, please please contact me! I'm wide open for work right now!
I'll be SUPER FAST getting it done 
so you'll have it IN TIME for Father's Day.

click here:

OR just leave me a Comment with e-mail or whatever! 

For PRICES: go to WWW.ARTLARUE.COM and click on Pricing

1 comment:

kendle sue said...

thats a beautiful drawing cherise! id love to talk to you some time about how your art business is going... i would love to do the same thing... start my own art business and everything! youre an inspiration! :)