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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's Day....but more Importantly, my HUSBAND's birthday! :)

So Bryce's birthday is TODAY!!! He's turning the BIG 23!!! Not that 23 is really a particularly important birthday but it's still BIG! Especially because it's the first birthday he's had since we've been married. And of course EVERY first is special once you get married!!!
So I gave him his main present last week before I left to go to Jen's. (Background: for Christmas I got him subscriptions to several car magazines and used my e-mail to order them so I get promotional e-mails ALL THE TIME) so one of them was to personalize your own magazine cover. It was for ... a hot rod magazine I think...I'm bad I don't actually remember. Anyway, I used one of Bryce's MANY pics of his BELOVED truck and put it centered on the cover and put headlines like "Get in Gear with Bryce Davies" and "Fast and Furious" or I'm awful! I really can't remember. Anyway, it was fabulous looking. So I ordered it, got it and put in in a FANCY frame with a triple mat and everything. ;) The funny part about it all is that I managed to put his FORD truck on a GM magazine. Laugh if you want. Apparently that's practically TABOO! His dad wants to send it into the magazine because it's "so funny". They're convinced they'd put a pic of it in there.....whatever. It was cool anyway. It's already hung up in our LIVING ROOM right next to our wedding pics.
Then today I'll bring him out shopping at like Car Quest or Home Depot or something and let hem spend a little Moolah. :) Our WONDERFUL friends, Darcy and Justin brought him a cake last night that was so awesome and YUMMY! It was a hat shape with a clover on top and was GREEN. :) we put one candle on top and sang to him a day early. It was fabulous. Plus just before that we got to hang out with our other WONDERFUL friends, Shanda and Ashton and their little girl Aspen ( she's our surrogate daughter...that's how much we love her!) because it was Aspen's birthday! And that was so fun! WE LOVE FRIENDS!!!!
Anyway, so I was told that Lori always hides those chocolate coins all over for Bryce on his birthday so, keeping with tradition, I did that and left a card for him before I left for school. We even had a fun sleepover in our front room! haha. It was great.
So (by the way-he never reads my blog, plus he's at work...) I have decorations and TONS of balloons to put up when I get home at noon today. and I'm going to go get him a CHEESECAKE since we got to have two cake-cakes last night.
Dinner is what I'm trying to figure out now.... I want to do all green for St. Patty's day. Maybe green mashed potatoes? and I have chicken....I don't really want to dye the chicken...that sounds gross. Hm. anyway, I'll be figuring that out when I get home. OH and I even bought a St. Patrick's day apron to wear while I cook! ha! Awesome.
What else, what else? OH I got two cards for him. The first one said that I wanted to give him money for his birthday...but that the mall security pulled me out of the fountain before I could scrape up a respectable amount. hehe.
The second one Says that I was planning on having a Sexy woman jump out of his cake...but that I didn't want to get frosting in my hair. Heck yes. I'm so sexy. I can't help it.
Anyway, I've been sitting here reading blogs for the last hour but I STILL have another hour to kill before my next class. Lame. I hate breaks between classes! Maybe I'll look up ideas for dinner...
(If you have any ideas for me, leave me a comment!!! I'll check them later!... I know it's last min but that's ok. I'll figure something out!)


Christine said...

make chicken with bread crumbs and plenty of italian seasoning, which is green.

Christine said...

Oh and tell Bryce happy bday for me! It's Natalie's half birthday today, which rocks because of her very irish looks.

Bryce & Cherise said...

Heck yes, Christine! That's so cool-she's TOTALLY Irish looking! :)

Sarah Welsh said...

Tell him Happy Birthday from us (it was Matt's birthday YESTERDAY - gotta love those "Irish" boys!) :)

Ashton and Shanda Call Family said...

Cherise - I just love you! You are so funny! Happy birthday Bryce!!!!!! Aspen is in love with Bryce I watch our Cherise, you have competition now. We will have to bring Bryce a present a day soon as we find those tinkerbell frisbee's he wants! Love you guys, Thanks for coming and playing with us!

Jen-ben said...

Happy Barfday!!! You guys are so MFEO.
Cherise, thank you SO MUCH for all of your help last week. You seriously saved me from so much stress. You are the BEST. AND I forgot to pay you back for the $$ you spent on me at target...remind me!!

Kristi said...

If you want to go super cheap and simple just do breakfast for dinner! It is super fast to dye pancakes, scrambled eggs, smoothie, etc green! Throw in some sausage and it is all good!

Jana said...

Cherise, you are so CUTE! So wifey and all birthday-celebratory. Tell Bryce happy birthday from us! I like the sexy woman in the cake card. That's funny.
And also, I keep meaning to tell you what a big HIT your painting is around my house. EVERYONE who visits is like "WHO did that painting!???" and they're always so impressed when I tell them my COLLEGE-age sister!!! You rock.

Darcy said...

Bahahaha! This post is hilarious! I can practically hear your voice as I read it.