
Monday, March 2, 2009

Last Night

haha, sorry about the pic. I'll get a better one on here soon. I thought I'd be able to photoshop myself out of it but I don't know how to get the pic into iphoto... blah blah. 
ANYWAY here's the painting I did last night...after much much much deliberation and stress over What to paint and How to paint it while following the parameters of the assignment. 
The feet on the far right are my fav. and the middle ones I just can't get right...maybe i'll get them figured out one of these days. and the foot on the left, I don't mind. 

Tell me what you think (honestly) of 
1. the floor
2. the skirts
3. the feet
4. anything else...

The critique is tomorrow at One so I might have a little bit of time tomorrow to work on it...


  1. As usual, I think you do great work. I love the chunky little legs and the bright colors. I love the reflection on the floor.
    It's hard to tell in a photo, but maybe the middle feet need chunky lines where the foot meets the leg-like on the feet on the right? And maybe with such chunky little legs the toes in the middle could also look a little more beefy and less shadowy?
    I don't know! Like I said, I think your work is wonderful, and it's really hard to tell from a photo.

  2. i second chrystal. :) the skirts and floor and everything are great, just those darn middle feet. :)

  3. I like the skirts, I love the floor, but I just don't know what to think about the feet. They look a little cartoonish to me.

    But it is amazing. I cannot believe all of the different projects you are doing, and doing so well! You are truly an amazing, talented woman!!!

  4. I love it - but then again, baby feet always make me happy!
