
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

GRRR-eateful !!!!!!!

I've been feeling to need to here I am lying underneath our kitchen table blogging. (no worries, it's where the heater is ;)

Short Version (for those of you that don't LOVE reading my long anecdotes):

I've been CrazyStressCase for the last few weeks over school.....
I went to a meeting with my Painting Prof. today and, AMAZINGLY, he says he's been impressed with all my work so far this semester and gave me some pretty freakin' awesome grades! The BFA (Bachelors of Fine Arts) review is coming up on the 20th, and I've been worried about if I would make it thru (this is where they decided if they'll let me into the program or not. I have to bring in 10+ of my best pieces (drawings and/or paintings) and I sit with them and they ask me questions and they decide if I get to stay or not). So I asked my Prof. about what he thought about how I'll do, and he said very plainly that I have Nothing to worry about..............................AHHHHHH!!!!!!! makes me feel SO MUCH better! :)

Long Version (for ... those of you who are so amazingly patient with me and my stories) :

A couple of my amazing sisters have been kind enough over the past few weeks to listen to my woes about school and how frustrated I was getting. This semester has been extremely difficult for me. I'm only taking 12 credits: Painting II, 20th century art history, Archaeology of N America, and Math 1050. 
Painting has been interesting. He likes to push us and stretch us to our limits. At least mine. Then critique day comes and my work gets hung next to everyone else's and I become even more frustrated. I have been wondering what my professor thinks of my work and if he thinks I have "it" in me. 
SO today we each met with my Prof. separately. During the meeting, he has us pull out all the work we've done in the last 6 weeks. He returned the test (that I got 100% on by the way ... only one of two in the class....hehehe) and my graded paper that I wrote for him a couple weeks ago....(Jana- he laughed when he gave it to me and said he could tell that I didn't have any respect for the author of the book. hahaha. I apologized he really didn't care that I wrote what I did. haha) 
Then he stands up to look at my work again and shows me the grading sheet for them. He pretty much grades them while i sit there....yikes!
But LUCKILY he gave me pretty much perfect scores on EVERYTHING! it was such a miracle. I can't believe he likes half of what I did! 
It comes up in most critiques that my style leaks into everything I do and somehow I can't get away from it. I worried that that fact would be my doom .... but it wasn't . phew!!

ALSO: The BFA (Bachelors of Fine Arts) Review is coming up on the 20th, and I've been SO worried about if I would make it thru (this is where they decided if they'll let me into the program or not. I have to bring in 10+ of my best pieces (drawings and/or paintings) and I sit with them and they ask me questions and they decide if I get to stay or not). So I asked my Prof. about what he thought about how I'll do, and he said very plainly that I have Nothing to worry about... talk about feeling grateful. 

So all in all, I'm feeling So Much Better about school right now. Let's just pray it lasts. 


  1. Yay, I'm so happy for you...Stress & Cherise do NOT mix! :) Love you!

  2. Awwww! Yay! See, you're awesome after all! You will be so cool when you have a bachelor's of fine arts.

  3. That is fabulous! Don't you looooove validation. Huge sigh of relief. You are truely amazing with this art business.

  4. I'm so glad your professor recognizes how talented & wonderful you are! I'm sure you're going to do well!
