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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

after bein home sick today

Wow, I feel disGUSTing!! I've been laying around the house since I came home from school this morning at's now about 
Anyway, I Had to feel productive and this painting(s) is due on Thursday so I put in a few more hours and a few more layers. 
I know it doesn't look like it, but there are around six layers of different colors on pretty much every piece of the canvas (es). 

So this pic is backwards because Bryce is a punk
and always takes his camera with him...Everywhere.
So I had to use IPhoto but you get the picture. 

and I'm a blogging maniac lately...sorry! ha! 


Sarah Welsh said...

BEAUTIFUL! You are SO talented!!! I love all the layers, I could just stare at it for hours looking at all the different colors!

Christine said...

I love how bloggy you are lately!

It's looking awesome!

Annette Larsen said...

very nice. that's gonna be so stinkin cool

MoM K said...

The painting looks really neat! I look forward to seeing it's detail in person. And I love that you made it in three parts! And so sorry you are a sickie. The photos you put up are very cool. Very beautiful!

Jen-ben said...

It's so so cool cherise! You are so talented, i can't even stand it.