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Friday, December 12, 2008

six....are you sure?

So I'm posting today because tomorrow we will be at the cabin with Annette and Cam. 

Here's to SIX months of marriage! Can anyone else believe we've been married for HALF a YEAR????? We can't! We both are of the opinion and belief that we have still only been married for Two months. 
Jen asked me the other day if it was harder than I thought it would be. Of course it is! :) There is SOOO much that seems harder. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. I don't care that we disagree about 75% of the time. So what? We're meshing two lives into one and two upbringings into one. Now we have the chance to do what we want with OUR home. We get to raise our children our way. Whether it's how I was raised or how he was raised or how neither of us were raised. How cool is that? PLUs, when we DO agree, it's like...the best thing ever! 
Now I'm not sure what Bryce would say about how I've been since we've been married but all I know is that Bryce is the KINDEST person I know. I'm always amazed at his attitude. He always wants to do things for EVERYBODY! He loves to help people. I realize how selfish I am sometimes because he is so giving. I love him for that. 
One of the other HUGE things I've learned about Bryce since being married is what a missionary he is. There's always two are three friends that he's talking to about the gospel. For example, we have the Book of Mormon Study Guide...I bought it for Bryce for his last birthday. It went missing last week and I finally figured out where it went.    Bryce brought it to work and he and one of the guys he works with is inactive, but for the first few mins everyday before they have cars to work on, they flip through the book and find stuff about the Second Coming. I don't know why it makes me laugh but when he told me....just imagining him doing that at work. goodness. Anyway, but I love how he shares the gospel. He doesn't just try to reactivate or...whatever...he becomes friends with people and then eventually he finds that they have something in common that provides means to enjoy the gospel with others. 
Anyway, so here is another LIST...oh how I love lists...(no that was NOT sarcastic!!! I REALLY do!! :)

Things I love about being married:

*We can go to bed at 8:30....who cares? 
*I get to go everywhere with my best friend. 
*I have someone else to make a decision for me if I can't decide.
*I have someone to tell me I look beautiful (even when I know I look awful).
*We get to make out during movies
*There's someone right there every time you wake up and can't sleep
*There's always someone to look forward to seeing at the end of a hard day
*There's always someone to look forward to seeing at the end of a wonderful day
*I get to say, "I'll have to talk to my husband first..."
*At work I get to watch each kid go wide eyed when they find out I'm married(it's quite a scandal to an 11 year old)
*There's always someone to share food with :)
*There's always someone to congratulate you on good grades
*We get to read scriptures together and Pray together
*We get to laugh so hard that my stomach hurts
*There's someone to do the dishes for (by this I mean that I can get the motivation to do dishes or clean the house before he gets home so that he'll be happy and proud of my WIFE-iness)
*I no longer have to move by myself!( I was practically an expert by the time i got married-at moving on my own)
*We get to try to find some names we agree on for kids....(wish us luck! :)
*There's always someone that knows where you are and what you're up to. I don't know, some people might not like that but I LOVE IT. I love that someone is aware of me... makes me feel important
*We get to look forward to being parents someday together. I love seeing Bryce with little kids...makes my "heart swell and burst"

...I could put down so much more. I've just been so blessed! 
I just want the world to know that I LOVE MY BRYCE-O!!!!


Kristi said...

What a sweet post! Being married is the BEST! And it does just keep getting better!
Congrats and I am so glad the first half of your first year is going so great!

Jana said...

AW, you are so presh! Thanks for reminding us old married people why it's so great to be married!

MoM K said...

cherisie, that is just such a cute post. I love your list and that you love to make them. And I am SO glad you have married such a nice guy. You were lucky find him. Wasn't it nice of us to move to St. Louis just so you could find a husband? And Eric could find a wife? And Annette could find a husband? We are pretty nice parents if you ask me....