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Friday, December 5, 2008


She decided I need practice being a Mommy (no not prego). So she's now my 6 year old with a billion questions about where money comes from and how much water costs-especially how much it costs when Dad takes extra long showers. She wonders how grape jelly is made and if it's the same as when I make casseroles.

Even her eating habits are that of a 6 year old...
Apparently she even licks the jam off of the cream cheese.


Jana said...

LOL, she must have taken a page out of Emma's book. The other day Emma was asking me how people become blind. Then she was afraid she was going to go blind and kept asking "what if?" so I finally told her, "well, then we'd just get you a cane and a seeing eye dog." This started a conversation about the things blind people use and how they get around and how their other senses. It ended with her saying that she wants to be blind, because then she'd be talented because she could read braille.
Now then, did Kimi actually decide to be 6, or was she just being obnoxious?

Annette Larsen said...

Ah, the partially eaten food. Welcome to my world. I'm sure Kimi was very good at being a 6 year old.

Christine said...

Ha ha! How funny, when I saw the first pic I was like, that is excactly what it looks like when my kids eat something!

Fauset Photography said...

You guys seriously crack me up!!! I love it!

Cherise Davies said...

well i asked her how old she was and as she was thinking i said it sounded like she was six and she agreed. :) no it wasn't obnoxious. It was hilarious. :)

Kimberly Jepson said...

Haha no, I really was pretending to be a 6-year-old. I was good, too. Haha and Cherise, might I add, was very good at being the mom and answering all my questions. :) It was funny.

MoM K said...