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Friday, November 14, 2008

F I V E .....what!?

Yesterday was our 5 Month anniversary.
Talk about time going by fast! That means next month we will have been married for a 1/2 year! What the....!? :) Craziness! 
It's been a great five months...really hard but really good too. We're SO STILL getting to know each other and finding new things every day that we disagree on. haha! :) But it's great! 
We're now all moved into the new house (no its not OUR house technically. we're renting.) And we LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I tell bryce probably five times a day how much i love it here and how HOMEY it feels. We love that part. 
So I have to leave for work (wow i need to write about that too...) but i just wanted to say I love Bryce so so much and I'm so grateful for everything he is and everything he does. He's .... amazing. :)


Jen-ben said...

ah...CONGRATS Cherise! I'm just so happy you married someone you fit together with so perfectly! we need pics of your new house!

Christine said...

Yay for five months! I'm so glad you love your house so much, and yeah we totally need pics!

Christine said...

piccccccccccccs i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed them . . .

Jana said...

WOO WOO baby!

OH and i forgot to tell you how much i ADORE your new blog style!

Annette Larsen said...

Awesome sauce sister friend. Yay for marriage and yay for your new house!!!