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Sunday, October 12, 2008


(Down...or up, in Logan Canyon a few weekends ago when bryce's fam came up to visit)

i don't like getting on and seeing those disgusting pics so ... even though i don't have a plan as to what to blog about...i'm doing it anyway.

Well today is sunday...for the past three hours bryce and i have been sleeping. lol i woke up but i can't get him to so i'm blogging. :) 
We went to church this morning. It was lovely. We really like our ward and are so happy to finally really have a ward! We ward hopped for a long time because the family ward would could also be in was ssssoo Looooud during sacrament meeting-you could barely hear the speakers. (not even exaggerating).  
So something i was grateful for today was that i was having a rough morning.... again. (we're again considering the Nat Guard  and all that stuff I've already blogged about that i'm not going to start thinking about again). So i was having a hard morning and i get tired to whining to Bryce so i was keeping my mouth shut about it but i was practically crying during sacrament meeting so he just kept rubbing my back and giving me side hugs and whispering love you's during the meeting. I was also praying though the entire time wondering why i can't seem to be who i want to be and do all i want to do and feeling so hopeless and feeling so much despair that i felt like life would just consume me right there. But i was praying. So there must have been something inside me still fighting. which is always good because that means the Lord can intervene --- All the talks were about having hope and how when we're filled with despair, nothing good can come of it-we must have hope and look to the Lord and have faith that we will come out on top. The Lord is overseeing our lives and he will help us through. Charity was also mentioned. How we need to look outside ourselves and see what we can do for those around us. By turning our attention away from ourselves and focusing on others, we can begin to feel our load lightening. 
Then, one of the girls in my Relief Society Presidency, Sara, is the most wonderful girl ever. I love her!!! She's always so sweet to me. And today after sacrament meeting, i was still feeling a little down--much better than earlier though. But she stopped me and smiled and looked so happy to see me and told me how much she loved my hair and just looked so genuinely happy that it boosted my day ten fold. 
So as my day has progressed, ive felt better and better thanks to a loving Heavenly Father who knows I'm here and knows i'm struggling and has sent angel after wonderful angel to my aid.

Here's another angel Bryce and I love to death. She's adorable and makes us laugh all the time. This is Briley, Bryce's little sister. She'll be four in January.  Yesterday we woke up to snow. So we called her to tell her that it's snowing here "in the mountains" (as she would say). So when Bryce told her she decided she was going to come visit us and play in the snow with us. We got a call later that afternoon from Lori saying that she had been frustrated all day because Lori wouldn't let her "go play in the snow with Bryce in the mountains". 
A couple weeks ago, the week after this pic was taken, she was asking Lori if she could do something and Lori kept saying she couldn't so she said, "If you don't let me do...I'm not going to go visit Bryce and Cherise in the mountains anymore". lol  Bob and lori got a kick out of that. So did we.  Apparently she figured it would be a punishment for her parents because if she wouldn't go to Utah then they couldn't. She's awfully smart for a three year old. :)

(Kabria, Briley, and Bob in the creek in Logan Canyon)

(We went to a demolition derby while the fam was here too. It was actually really really fun! We all loved it. This is a pic of one of the truck rounds. It was hilarious. Bryce laughed harder than i have heard him laugh....probably ever. :)


Jana said...

Dear Cherise,
I love you and I think you should follow your heart. That's what I always do.
I'm glad you got some help today...but what a rotten feeling. I hate that. If you would just move to Mesa, most likely all your problems would be solved.
Call me every five minutes.

Jana said...

OH and i LOVE your new background! It's so cute and red and you-ish!
I wish you would make me dinner because I don't want to make it.

Mommy-K & D-Rowls said...

We have been praying and fasting for you two and the decision you need to make. We know it is so hard and such a big one for such a young couple.
I'm glad you have a little someone on your side like Briley - that is so cute!
Hope you find out good stuff tomorrow about those new apts!