
Sunday, October 19, 2008


Weeeeeeelllllllllll...I finished this adorable couple! :) I finished yesterday afternoon!

And then today, Sunday, Kimi came over to hang out and eat with us so after we ate she wanted to work on her painting some more and i can't start my next drawing Til the lady e-mails me back so i decided to do a painting too!

And I already finished. lol. Its on hardwood like the one i did that i gave to Annette and Cam. But its half the size. It's Two feet by two feet. 


  1. Aw, cute. That couple is adorable. I remember visiting the alzheimers unit at the nursing home I worked at, and there were two couple who thought they were married, but they weren't. It was cute, cause they'd sit in there lounge chairs holding hands.

    Love the painting, especially the red.

  2. ZING I'll make you a painting! You are so brill! That is an awesome drawing and so totally love that painting! Sheesh girlfriend. I wish you had me for Christmas....I thought you did for awhile and I was thinking of ways I could say what I wanted you to paint for us like dropping hints on my blog....but you do not have us. Not to say that we're not happy about whoever does have us...I think it's Eric and Mer, though they had us awhile ago. They give good presents. Anyway, that's my long story. Your painting matches your blog.

  3. LOVE the painting! It's so perfect! Way good job on the drawing too, you're a genius as always!

  4. I LOVE this one!!! Sooooo much! Good job!!

  5. The painting is beautiful. and I really like the old couple too. they do look sweet together. She will like having it.
