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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

prayers, school, and work

I've been off and on with saying my prayers every morning and night for ... forever. And since we've been married and our schedules are so crazy, we've STILL been bad at it until a couple weeks ago... (mind you, i've been thinking about it for forever trying to figure out how to get back in the habit and feeling SO GUILTY that i'm still so bad at it after all these years) so first, i had a dream. I don't remember the background of it-what was happening or who said it to me but in the dream someone turned to me and said i wasn't allowed to do...whatever or be with them or something because i didn't say my prayers. I felt so dejected! it was awful...from that next morning on i've been pretty dang good at saying them. :) Plus, you know those awesome yellow pillows i bought? well now i keep them side by side next to the side of the bed on the floor.
So when we get ready for bed there's a HUGE visual cue to say our prayers-we kneel on them while we pray (quite comfortable too! :). 
That's my exciting thing lately. hehe. 

School's good....i'm taking:

Painting I (all oil painting and its a three hour long class, 4-7 pm & we stand the ENTIRE time)
Art history (Renaissance-Post Modern)
Math 1010 (yes, cuz I'm...not exactly...gifted at math... hehe)
Ceramics (everything so far, I learned in either eighth grade or in high school but its still fun)
US Institutions (its a comb. of history, economics, gov..etc.  Not my fav class by any means. lol)

Bryce got another job so he can quit Home Depot. He's now working for a Tow company. So he's on call about three nights per week- and he gets to choose which ones which is awesome. He's super excited about it.  He's still in training but he's more than half way through. I'm super happy about the job change because it lets him be home Way more!! :) LOVE IT!! 

Other than that, we're just having fun being married and learning more about each other every day.  :)


Christine said...

Hey, sounds great! Awesome about Bryce's job, that is so nice. Your pillow thing reminds me of when we were first married and I was preg and our apartment didn't have any padding under the carpet. So every night when we said prayers Jason would put a pillow on the floor for me to kneel on. :)
Do you guys remember to pray together in the mornings? We have hardly ever done that, it's so hard to remember! Our schedule is always changing, babies and jobs and exercise and kids, how can we ever remember??

Sarah Welsh said...

Isn't it amazing how much happier life is with a husband who likes his job? People who are not married do not understand how happy husband = happy wife!