
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

At least i can tie them...

YESTERDAY @ Lunch, met up with bryce at home to eat. 

Walk in the house, slip off my shoes next to the table.

walk into the kitchen, help bryce make some lunch

sit down at the table with bryce to eat and half way through, 

"dear, did you wear two different shoes today?"

Looking at him like he's insane,

"no of course not! what am i? 6?" 

as i look down to the floor where he had been looking....

where i had slipped off my shoes that i had worn all morning.

And there they were...

Right where i left them.

                                                 ( they mock me...even now.)

My beautiful Baking skills:

                        (yes, i know you're jealous... especially of my beauteous baking racks...)


Our new fav ice cream: 

                                                        It really IS rich and Creamy!


  1. Why in the world do you have two pairs of shoes that look so alike? You weirdo. That's awesome though. And I am jealous of your rack. :)

  2. lol, I was writing my comment in my head as I waited for the page to come up, and it turns out it was pretty much word for word the same as annette's.

    So. Ditto.

  3. How funny is THAT!!! I am so jealous that you made those cookies....i WANT SOME! And I really want that rack. Where did you get it?

  4. The cookies look absolutely PERFECT! AAaahhh, you must be MY daughter. How nice that people are admiring your Baking Rack. And I ditto the ice cream - we tried it and it is a winner!

  5. LOL, I see how you could make that mistake...
    So did you eat all the cookies and all the ice cream in one day? I would have.
    I'm so glad that it really IS rich and creamy! I can hear you saying that, and it makes me laugh!

  6. at least the shoes look pretty smiliar. i am jelous of the baking rack its awesome i think i need one now. and that ice cream ahh to die for
