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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Entheos School

So Jen's friend Emily has a sister who works at an elementary school in West Jordan. So a couple weeks ago she called needing someone to come talk to 1st-3rd graders about art so they could each draw a picture to represent the person they talked to at a Senior Center they had visited the week before. So she said she had seen my website etc and was wondering if i would come and do a 20 min lesson...ish thing about the basics of art and then for an hour and a half after just go around and help the kids with ideas and help them make their drawings better. 
How fun huh?  
so of course i said yes. Especially when she said they'd give me gas money plus $15 an hour! wahoo! :) So i did, and it was super fun and the kids were great. 
So since i've emailed Emily's sister a couple times and requested pics of the quilt they made out of the drawings and are now giving to the senior center as a gift. 
She just sent these today:


Meredith said...

how super fun is that?!

Jana said...

GENIUS!! You should be an art teacher. GOoD ReAsON TO STaY IN ScHOoL

Anonymous said...

very cool.

Anonymous said...

thats amazing story.

Anonymous said...

Cool school!

Anonymous said...

ok. I found an information here that i want to look for.

Emily said...

Cherise - I'm so glad you had a good experience, and the drawings turned out really great! (I clicked on the picture so I could examine more closely.) You should be an art teacher! You did a great job, and the quilt turned out adorable!

MoM K said...

hmmm, who are those 4 commenters?
I LOVE the quilt! That is so cool that your teaching helped it come true. What a fun time!