
Friday, August 22, 2008

Random Pics

So i was going through Bryce's pics on his computer and found a bunch I had forgotten we had! 
Like this one, look how LONG bryce's hair is!!! hahahaha!! That was when i made him grow it out cuz i didn't like it short....I like it short now though.....good thing he loves me

This is on the drive from Flagstaff to Utah when we were moving all his stuff up after Christmas. We stopped so he could take a couple pics .
This is in the winter some after church
This was RIGHT after he got home from his mission when he came to see me the first time I think. Weird seeing myself with blond hair.


  1. Cutey! You look uber little in that one in the desert. Skinny legs...

    I love your balck and white outfit. classy baby.

  2. you're a blogging maniac lately!

    I liked your blonde hair...

  3. Aw, I love those! You look SO extra gorgeous in the first one!

  4. Hey, who was that?
    YOur pictures are so fun. I wish Dad and I had pictures. We just didnt' take many back then.
