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Saturday, August 9, 2008

My Future Family

So this is the drawing that my friend Brooke Tolman did for me back in the day ... i think during sunday school one day. 

So Kimberly found the one Brooke did for me...what? like...6 years ago? around the time i was 15 so yeah, about 6 years ago. So she decided to make an updated/corrected version of my Future family....
all i have to say about it is wow, i am gonna have some big boobs and that Bobbers is kinda creepy lookin!


Jana said...

Why are they backwards? I can't read the words!! whine whine whine...

Annette Larsen said...

That totally made me laugh. I love it. Good luck with the boobs.

MoM K said...

AAAaaahhh, It's so Great to have SUCH talented daughters! Your family looks so ...fabulous! I'm lucky to be the Grandma!

Christine said...

Lol! Kimi is the TRUE artist of the family!