
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Classes at Hobby Lobby

So here is the ad that sits at the front of the store on an easel promoting my classes....
(i don't know how to edit pics on bryce's mac...)
And that pink behind it is just the bed it was sitting on.

That's one of my business cards glued to the drawing.. wahoo! i got them today! Becky did an AMAZING job! i LOVE them!!!
and there's the other style of my business cards. :)

so i just glued that silver thing that is actually used on a desk to hold like paper clips or something but i just glued it on there to hold the cards with the info on the back. So they just take one out so they can call me about the classes or e-mail me and sign up!
So you can't really read it but if you could you'd see that i'm scheduled to teach four times per week for the next four weeks!!! I'm really excited!


  1. So, it looks like it costs $15 for the whole series. Are you charging $15 per hour class and is that clear? Just want to make sure no one is confused. :) love you, good luck. Your cards look awesome, by the way.

  2. oh crap! thanks net! you're totally right!! i'll fix it tomorrow!

  3. go cherise! the poster is way cute, and so are your cards! yay!

  4. I LOVE your art, cherise! You're amazing!
    Hehe, see, I WOULD add you on my friends list.. only I have NO CLUE how! :P
    I'm still trying to figure things out on here..

  5. The poster looks so fabulous! I am so proud of you!! Do you have some people signed up for your class tomorrow? I sure hope so!
