
Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Davies' te'nder

So our house is actually the basement of a house. Which is awesome in the summer because we never need air conditioning. ! yay! But it is a little dark but that's ok! We love it.

Don't judge me about the messy was clean for the last week...until this evening when i wanted to take pics. oh well. Yes those are our lovely orange cupboards. really....i photoshoped this pic until the color was as close as i could get to being the same as my actual cupboards. :)

We don't have a kitchen table and no chairs in our house....None. lol. But we DO have two TV dinner stand things.... ! wahoo!(you can see then corner of them on the left.

The plaque is from Amanda- I LOVE you! It's so dang cute! (do you like the assortment of kitchen knives? They're all of mom's old ones hahahah!
We got this candy dish as a gift and it always reminds me of Grandma Rowley's blue candy dish that she ALWAYS had candy for us in it. TENDer...anyway, i love it and its full of hersheys kisses. :)
I am SO PROUD of this bookcase! I put it all together by myself! Bryce was a little offended that i took away his manly job. hehe. Anyway, I didn't want to only put all my books on it so I also included as much stuff to describe Bryce and I as i could...(our photo album, the temple, the ring box from when he proposed, my Bridal pic, and engagement pic, our bunnies from like three years ago, the little "i loveyou" night light bryce gave me...also more than three years ago, Bryce's mission book and photo album, along with a little sailboat he sent me from Mada. oh...and the first empty bottle of sparkling cider we drank together. :)
So, we have this little window in the shower that is just above ground level...but when standing in the shower, there's a perfect view to the neighbors' windows....yikes! This also shows our solution to no space for towels in the bathroom--bryce put up these shelf things I found. yay for more space!!
I love the tile and counters in here!

Jen---i LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic you took of us!!! Thank you SO MUCH!
hehehe...this was bryce's suprise for me tonight when i got home-he was already at his second job when i got home but he left me this: ( REAL roses, a love letter-woowoo!, one of our engagement pics and one of our the sign things we usually have up on the wall in the living room) It was so sweet and a TOTAL suprise-i usually know when he's going to suprise me, but i had No clue this time. I LOVED it! and the letter was so so sweet!! Dang i love that boy!

The rest of our room is covered in all our extra clutter that we need another bookcase, a dresser, and a desk for so I didn't want to take a pic of the mess. lol
Here's the guest room/my Mary Kay room. This half is the "guest room"...

And THIS half is my Mary Kay room. :) ( and there's also a big closet just to the right where all the rest of my inventory is!

And here's our Living room...i have yet to acutally arrange it how i want. Plus i just used existing nails to hang stuff up just for now. (there's a fireplace right there on the right and to the left just outside of the shot is a door that leads to a storage room :)


  1. Very sweet. I love the bathroom tile! It definitely looks like a great first apartment!

  2. Awwww! What a tender little house! Everything looks very cute and cozy, and you did the bookshelf so cute!

  3. cute house, first houses/apartments are so fun!!! You've done such a cute job, it's adorable! What town are you living in???

  4. so cute i love all the little extra decorations you have

  5. Your little marriage house is SOOOOO cute! I love it, it is entirely adorable. Might I ask about the apostrophe is te'nder?

  6. What a great space! You did an AMAZING job making it beautiful!! I still need Bethi to come fix my house!
    Congrats! I am so glad you are sooooo happy!

  7. The apostrophe in Te'nder is because it looked funny as Tinder--i was wanting to say it like kimi says tender-when it sounds like an I instead of an E. So while it may not work technically, it made me feel better. lol

  8. Looks so good!! Your such the fab decorator!

  9. I love it Cherise! It's just like being there... almost.
    You have done such a cute job of decorating - I also love all the things you said are on the bookshelves. How fun! I love you!

  10. CHERISE!!! Congratulations on the wedding, you guys look so happy. Before you know it you guys will be married for a year! Time really does fly so enjoy it :) Anyway, I hope everything went well. Keep in touch...and I definitely will be checking out your art, Congrats :)


  11. I LOVE your Marriage House!! It's so stinking cute and I love how you put so much thought into the bookcase and stuff. Also I'm in love with the "always kiss me goodnight" sign and the forever one....and you have the BEST hubbie ever leaving you such cuteness!!! I'm so jealous of your newlywed state. I'm going to have to pretend we're newlyweds again so we can be like that....
