
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Our OWN hike...

We went on another hike this weekend....only it wasn't the one we planned on. The one we found online and drove up to had too much snow, the car wouldn't make it up to the trailhead. So we turned around and bryce found a place to pull over on the way home-still in the canyon, to go hike around and try to get down to the river and just explore. BUT then we saw a certain mountain across the road and decided we should try to get to the we did! We found our own way trail. That's the best. (This pic is NOT photoshopped thank you very much. Bryce wanted me to put that in there..)

Yup, that's what we're climbing (we were already probly 1/4 way up.

This was actually on the way back Down the mountain--so 2/3 up. See the river WAY down there? It's actually a very Large rive and its down near where the car is.

This was the last ridge we had to climb up and over before we reached the top. I was so scared in this pic because there were snake holes Everywhere and spiders under a rock by my feet! ...yuck, i hate spiders. I know God made them but.... *shudder*

Here's a close up of my Honey from that same place..

You can kinda see how steep it was in this pic. Bryce took that from just a few paces ahead of me.

I know it doesn't look like much but this is the Very Very top of the mountain. WE MADE IT!!! It was so amazing up there! You can't really tell but where it looks like the snow ends is the ridge where it goes down pretty steep. Bryce didn't like me standing over there. So yeah, thats another rise behind me. I wish i had a panoramic or something!! we were so excited that we had made it all the way to the top! The first half was uphill but not Horrible. The second half was killer and we kept saying we were crazy and we had to stop about every ten steps cuz it killed our legs so much. But we kept trudging along. and we made it!

Yeah..... seriously.

This is me looking's pretty awesome i know. And Yes, i'm wearing a tank.....i had a long sleeved shirt over until half way and decided i would die with it on. and yes JEN, this is the FIRST time i've not worn something with sleeves....i'm such a sinner!! lol


  1. You ARE a sinner, and a hussy! Ha ha! Just kidding! Again, looks like fun!

  2. Whoa baby, you guys are tough! That looks so fun! Good for you being so ambitious and hikey!

  3. that's so cool! Hiking is the best!
