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Thursday, April 3, 2008

My life? or theirs?

I decided i wanted to kind of....vent for a few minutes. And no, annette, its not about what you'd think. because i've put that behind me.
no, its actually about nosy people. Which is funny really, because i think i'm pretty nosy but...i'm working on it.
So bryce and i are not engaged yet. Obviously. i don't have a ring and i haven't gone around yet telling EVERYBODY in sight. So...NO we're not yet. But EVERYONE seems to think they should ask me every time they see me if we are yet. and when i say no, not yet, They have to know why not yet? and when?? Well, you know, I DON'T KNOW!!!! It's not my choice when he proposes or how! and i don't WANT to know! i would love to just let him suprise me. But no! now, since i've been asked so many times, its got me frustrated that he hasn't yet and i got snobby and annoyed with him and he had to give some of his suprise away so i wouldn't feel so bad! GRRR!!!! it makes me so mad!! if people would just mind their own beeswax i wouldn't have freaked out and made him feel bad and have to spoil my ONE CHANCE to be asked! Why does everyone have to be so nosy and think they know what's best for my life and that we're doing things all wrong because we aren't engaged yet.
OR there have been a couple of my FRiends that have been bold enough to say that we're moving TOO Fast and What's our rush?
What the heck!? When did my life become...not MY life but everyone else's?


Sarah Welsh said...

I hope you don't mind me commenting & I hope you take this as a helpful & not in any way a criticism.

Being married to the love of your life is AWESOME & wonderful. I think people who are married just want everyone else to be able to be just as happy as they are. Try & take people's interest as them truly caring about you and wanting you to have this joy in your life.

Jen-ben said...

I'm sorry Reece....unfortunately this is only the you have children it most likely only get worse. :)

Elizabeth said...

people are pretty nosey i never had the problem cause i got engaged to dustin pretty fast but now im getting the so when are you going to have kids are you pregnant yet but i totally agree with you people are way to nosey especily about things that are very private

Christine said...

Grrrr! How frustrating for you!

Remember what you learned from this though! You can't let other people's opinions interfere with your relationship. No matter how much I might think I know about it, I don't know crap! Ya know? We all give you advice based on what we know about you guys, and really, we don't know much. If you're happy with the way things are, then things are great! End of story.

Meredith said...

I know it's hard when people don't mind their own busines. And Jen is only gets worse with kids. (I can't tell you how irritated I get whenever I hear a stranger tell me that I've "got my hands full" when they see me with all three of the boys. Grrr.)

I also agree with Sarah; try to take it as people genuinely caring about you. Some people just don't know how to express it in a better way.

And I also agree with Christine. You totally can't let other people's opinions interfere with your relationship. What do you think would have happened with Eric and me if I would have listened to all of my parents' opinions???

I've learned over the past few months that you just have to do what's best for yourself. Do what makes you feel uplifted and good about yourself and your relationships. And don't let anyone else tell you that what you're doing to make yourself happy is wrong.

Annette Larsen said...

Cherise, i love you and life is going to be good and marriage is awesome and I hope that you can still enjoy the surprise. And make sure to let me know any time that I need to shut up, ok? Sending you lots of ~~~~~Happy Vibes ~~~~~~

Jana said...

Cherise, I was just wondering when you're getting engaged. Why aren't you already? You're taking forever. I mean, you're practically an old maid. That man of yours is just so rude to keep you in suspense. Also, I hear you're not planning to have kids until you're forty, which is a different matter entirely and I'll have to write you a whole email telling you how evil you are for that. I wish you would just let me run your life like we planned.