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Thursday, April 24, 2008


OK, so if you know me, you probably already know that this kind of art is not what i normally do...ever. But, that's why i'm in school i guess. so here we go....
This is my 3-D Design final all finished. haha. yeah.

If you want to, go ahead and look at the project without reading the symbolism and take it how you want. During Critique some saw what i see in this but others saw things very differently-but more personally to their lives. It's interesting to me how we do that. I enjoyed hearing their views. There was one man in the critique that said it reminded him of when he got married---they were married in a way people were married a long time ago---when they wrap your hands together during the ceremony.... he talked alot about it and how my peice corresponded with that experience. So, look at it for yourself and after, if you want to read what my meaning of it is, feel free!

I covered a cardboard box in dark brown fabric and draped the inside in this tan fabric.
Once i finished the hands (carving them down and gluing the fingers back on (lol) and painting them over with watered down Gesso) Bryce helped me glue the hand to a square piece of cardboard, left it to dry overnight and then i glued that onto the back of the inside of the carboard box behind the draped fabric. Then i cut a hole in the fabric that was the right shape and pulled the hand through.
I positioned the other hand at the bottom where i wanted it after covering its base in the dark brown fabric. As for the chains, i bought them at Home Depot and spray painted them off white so they wouldn't look so harsh. then i laced the green and brown ribbon through them (with the help of Bryce!! he's so sweet...) I also bought those stick on hook things that are know what i mean? and cut more holes in the fabric behind the lower-draped parts--and stuck them to the box. That's what the chains are hooked to. From there, the chains end in just the ribbon where it curls around each hand.

The Symbolism:
Yes, this piece is supposed to be symbolic. That was pretty much the assignment,--to create an enclosed space describing (symbolically) something about you or an was pretty open ended. Anyway, I wanted it to be auto biographical. It evolved into a piece on Connection. Linking people together- relationships, friendships, CONNECTION. That's something that is so important to me. Just being connected to other people. Whether i've known them my whole life or the person i talked to on the bus the other day. It's ALL important to me. So that's what i wanted to portray.
The muted natural colors are used because i didn't want anything getting in the way- i wanted pure connection-down to the basics of life.
The hands are white because they're the focal point.
There is a green ribbon representing one person and a brown one representing another person. As they weave into the chain they connect and run together....
The chain does not go directly from one hand to the other. People are linked in different ways and sometimes through other people or things. It may not always be direct but it's still important and it's still a connection.
The chain at the right actuall is connected to the hand at the bottom left and runs underneath the tan fabric and "out" of the box. This is because we're all connected to many people.
The actual Draping of the tan fabric "leads" the eye through the piece and helps me show the viewer what i want them to see.
Also, the hand at the top right IS above the other. this was to further illustrate the importance of being connected. We can help eachother. We can lift others up through whatever kind of connection we have. and at the same time, we can be lifted too.


Annette Larsen said...

That is so cool! And very pretty. When I first looked at the pics I deffinately thought of marriage, how you intertwine your lives (ribbons) but you still have your own personality (color). Me likey.

Sarah Welsh said...

WOW! That's awesome! I'm so impressed!

MoM K said...

Very impressive! It's so good for you to be stretching yourself in these new artsy ways. You are very gifted to think of something like this. I really like it and the symbolism it means to you.

Kristi said...

Gives me chills! What a beautiful peice of art! I love all of the symbolism!

Jana said...

That is awesome, Cherise. I looked at it last week but Jeff was on the computer so I couldn't leave a comment and forgot to leave one later. But I LOVE it! To me it looks like the higher one is lifting the lower one out of something. It's so amazing! Do you love being an art major? You get to do such weird stuff!

Meredith said...

Very nice and interesting! You're a pretty amazing artist.

And how come you dont' comment on MY blog??? :)