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Thursday, May 30, 2013

{Art by Cherise Larue: FB and blog based only! No more website!}

My business, Art by Cherise Larue, is now blog and Facebook-based only! 
I nixed the website. Not worth it right now. :)

But I'm still here!
Currently I'm working on a painting for the book cover of  my sister's upcoming novel! 
Can't wait to finish and post it!! 
Then I have a lovely photo to draw of one of the young women in our ward. My work has, unfortunately, been put on the back burner for a while but I'm trying frantically to get back to it! 

So, please please please update your link to Art by Cherise Larue.

Have a lovely day!!


emily said...

Love it!!! You are so talented!!

Sara & Co said...

i love all your stuff, that bottom one has been my favorite since i first saw it. will you text me and tell you where it is? france?

Jen-ben said...

love ALL of your work!!!