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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

For Sara

I have not taken a single picture in...
a long time.

So here's a little touch of the past,
with a promise to myself
that it will not be lived in but learned from.

Not that these pictures are of any importance
in the grand scheme of things
but they speak to me of the ever changing
days that life most certainly consists of.

Sportin' shades in the Beast the first time I saw Bryce after his mission.

Ooh. Me sportin' some awesome hair action. This was on the Wind Cave Hike here in Logan right before Bryce put that ring on my finger.

When the hair calmed down a little apparently...

This is a hard one to put words to.
I just love his smile to pieces!
(Taken by Jana outside the Bountiful Temple
{where we would eventually get married!}

Another favorite of mine!
This was just us outside my apartment building one Sunday night.
(Taken by Kimberly!)
We love the snow
and wanted to show Grammy so of course, Picture time!

Above is a pic Bryce took of me out in the middle of no where-the Res-in between Flagstaff and Logan. This was a big day! I had FINALLY *seduced* Bryce into moving to good ol' Utah!
And who wouldn't be seduced by such a skinny legged girl?

Me in front of my lovely apartment in Logan. Again, taken by
The Bryce.
This was during those drive-me-crazy days of waiting for him to
just stinkin' propose already!

This is on a hike we took with my fam down in Sedona
from the week before Bryce stole me away to UT.
(yes that's what happened)

Same hike. Us in our sexiness. We are BOUND to make some Beautiful children!

This last summer at the Rowley Family Reunion we went
hiking at the Twisted Forest.
Lessi was such a trooper and hiked with Bryce alot of the way.
She's so stylin!

I'll do another post soon and go even further back.
Sara I hope this satisfies you!


C'est La Vie said...

ps i'll get your camera back to you asap so you can take some sweet pics

C'est La Vie said...

I love love love you for this hahaha
and you totally said it wasn't anything special, it was to me!!!! LOVED this post

it was fun to remember all those times with you

your so awesome :)

MoM K said...

Those are wonderful pics! It's so nice to have a photojournal of your history together. Dad and I don't have that. I wish we did! Keep up the blogging! How about you at work?

Annette Larsen said...

That last picture is for sure my favorite! But I love all of them. It makes me want to go find all the pics from when Cam and I were dating (of which, there are not many) and scan them into my computer!

Jana said...

You're so goodness that was a long hard road to get to the wedding day, wasn't it? Ah....