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Friday, October 30, 2009

Real Quick

We had a Halloween Potluck at work this week...

I got this recipe from Mer! I just added the bloodiness... ;)  It's broken pretzel sticks, a mixture of PB, pwd sugar, butter, and vanilla. Then the nails are slices of almond. i just put some red food coloring on a qtip and dabbed it onto the ends...hehe.

I got this one off line. Sorry about the crappy pics. I was in a hurry and didn't pull out the camera til I had already put plastic wrap on.   This is just a mini watermelon--carve off the green skin with a potato peeler and then carve it! 

They were both a hit (we had the Doctors at work vote for several categories) and I won two of the categories! (brain- most creative and fingers-spookiest) so I got halloween dish towels and play dough! yessss. major score.


Shanda Call said...

that is so cool! And disgusting. Too bad we didn't get to do our murder mystery dinner, with your cooking skills it could have rocked!

Meredith said...

They turned out so great! Your artistic talent did so much to add such detail!!!! I love the cool! :)

Christine said...

Those fingers are SO GROSS! Way to go! And I remember seeing the brain on like Good things Utah or something. I love it!

Annette Larsen said...

Those re both AWESOME!! Very creepy fingers, i don't know if I would have eaten them... And the brain is just too cool. How do people come up with this stuff?

Jana said...

SO COOL!!!!!!!!
And the fingers sound yummy too, which is important.

Jana said...

oh and your blog is always so cute... <3 the layout! and the new pic on top.

Bryce & Cherise said...

Thanks guys!!! They were fun!

MoM K said...

WONDERFULLY CREEPY!!! I just love them to dEATH>>>> You are so wickedly crafty.

I hope I have a chance to make them next year!

Ruth said...

I went to my next-door-neighbor's Halloween party last night and they had sugar cookie fingers that looked like yours - without the blood!
Cool pix!

Bethi said...

Those fingers are SCARY! I would not even have touched them! Gross! :) They look awesome though! And the brain is really cool! You are so crafty! My creative skills definitely need some work! Love it!

Ben and Krista said...

WOW these are AWESOME!!