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Friday, June 5, 2009

How Much Better Can It Get Than This?


Annette Larsen said...

hey, it's coming up on your 1st anniversary! Wow, can you believe you have been a married woman for a whole year? And can you believe I'm about to have my 5th! Weird. Love you, you're so cute.

Anonymous said...

Better.... Hmm.... I suppose if you were pregnant that would be cool! hee hee

Shanda Call said...

so sweet

Cherise Davies said...

well of course it would be AMAZING to be pregnant. Talk about the One Thing we want so bad...
But until then, I'm sticking with this.

Darcy said...

Wet Willie. That's all I'm gonna say.

Bryce & Cherise said...

hahaHA! DARCY!!!! You crack me up!!!!! Good thing I forgive him...