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Monday, February 16, 2009

My new love

My LovER, Bryce LOVES me SO MUCH!!! 
For Valentine's Day:

This is my new love. 
Bryce is my LOVER
This purse is my Love. :)
PS: this is all ok because Bryce's Love is his truck and I'm HIS lover. :)


Christine said...

Ooh, it's so cute!

Darcy said...

Bahahaha! You're funny. Oh, and the purse is cute too...hehe.

Annette Larsen said...

That is super cute. Did he pick it out all by himself? If so I'm very impressed.

Meredith said...

That is so cute! I wish I were that bold to use a purse like that. And I keep telling Eric that I need a new purse, whenever gift-giving opportunities arise, but he refuses to buy me one. I think he's scared that he'll screw up! Maybe Bryce could give him some pointers?

Bryce & Cherise said...

lol bryce didn't pick it out. That was all me. He just was with me when I got it and it was Valentines day and he technically paid for it so he says he "got it for" me. I just go with it....

Jana said...

and you think his tractor's sexy.