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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Nose

So i was reading Mer's blog about her candles that she loves :) .... well, Mer and anyone else: my house smells so bad! We live in a basement apt with tiny  windows that, even when open, hardly air out the place. I use air fresheners and fabreeze ... i haven't tried candles because i'm afraid i'll spend the $$ and they won't work. I run our big fan alot because it helps with the Major HUMIDITY problem we have (which causes mold to show up on the bathroom ceiling and under sinks etc...yeah, disgusting. I hate scrubbing at it every week bleck!!) 

So PLEASE PLEASE if anyone knows of anything that might help, let me know!!!! I swear i have a super smeller nose because smells just drive me nuts. Bad smells put me in awful moods....


Meredith said...

baking soda is supposed to help absorb odors. You can place open boxes of it around your house, or sprinkle it on your carpet before vacuuming. If I come up with anything else I'll let you know!

Meredith said...

Oh, you could get an electric tart warmer and "tarts" of wax that melt in the little bowl. Yankee Candle makes basically every flavor in a tart, too. You can find those at BB&B. I used to have one until the boys knocked it over and broke it. I used that to keep the house smelling good!

Elizabeth said...

we use candles alot becuase the vents and shared with the other apartments so if there apartment smells bad so does mine or if the burn something it smells like i did. we also use plugins those work well but i feel like i spend to much moneyand it doesnt last that long

Christine said...

you could get an air purifier and/or a dehumidifier.

and I've found that lysol neutra-air works too.

Sarah Welsh said...

I have two big "jar" candles by Gold Canyon Candle Co., they do a really good job of covering up smells & smell REALLY good. One caution though, I have a birthday cake scented candle by them & it smells so good I end up having to bake a cake or something after smelling it - so not a good scent if you're dieting! :)

Sarah Welsh said...

I have two big "jar" candles by Gold Canyon Candle Co., they do a really good job of covering up smells & smell REALLY good. One caution though, I have a birthday cake scented candle by them & it smells so good I end up having to bake a cake or something after smelling it - so not a good scent if you're dieting! :)

Bryce & Cherise said...

ah yes! you guys are stupendous! I bought a yummy smelling candle, Black Cherry smell and bought a few boxes of Baking soda, which i already used over the carpets and vacuumed....i'm pretty sure it's working! I'M SO HAPPPY!!!! Love you guys!

Bryce & Cherise said...
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Jen-ben said...

maybe you're prego...

Bryce & Cherise said...

ha thanks jen. but no, i'm not. promise. and jen, when i DO get prego you'll know....and youll probly be one of the first that i tell since you're prego now...that is IF i get prego while you're still prego....not that we're planning on it being that soon...necessarily... ha.

Jana said...

I really enjoy the glade scented oil plug-ins. Hawaiian Breeze is particularly faboo.